Austin TX   ·   with Mell Lawrence Architects   ·   2019-2024
The client has a beautiful site in West Lake Hills, a hilly neighborhood of Austin with incredible views of the city. The client hired Axel Vervoodt as the design lead and we (Mell Lawrence Architects) were the architects of record for the project.
I was responsible for extensive project management. We navigated numerous site constraints, from complex drainage strategies to tight impervious cover constraints to protected heritage trees. Once the site strategy was finalized, I was responsible for intensive design documentation. The wall systems on this project were complex and innovative - the ground level, partially dug into the hillside, was to be constructed of cast Roman concrete while the upper level was made of cast-in-place hempcrete. 
In working on this project, I learned about the remarkable material properties of hempcrete - involving a straightforward installation process, the wall assembly is fire-resistant, pest-resistant, moisture-resistant and improves indoor air quality. I navigated the building and fire code requirements in order to ensure we could safely build with this material and move through the permitting process.
I also managed the documentation and coordination with our consultants, primarily the structural team. The building was extremely complex and we were able to work hand-in-hand to come up with the appropriate structural strategies to achieve the design vision from the Vervoodt team.
The project is currently under construction - below are a selection of sheets from the 125-page Construction Set.
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